Friday, May 29, 2020

Some great secular dharma resources

A quick post to share some great resources..... 

I've just finished chatting with a dharma colleague in the US who's been collaborating on this new web site called The Secular Buddhist Network. It has loads of great resources on there including a dana based (generosity based - no fixed fee) online course in secular dharma and LOTS more. 

I've collected a number of great links to resources on the 'Links' page on Secular Buddhism Australia. Feel free to check out both of these.

Have a great weekend.

Friday, May 15, 2020

Falling Off the Wagon

Curiosity is key to insight in dharma practice. When we fall off the wagon in our practice, let ourselves down on an important undertaking, curiosity is a great replacement for the voice of criticism.

'Good practice' is attending to and learning from our experience, whether that's cruising along nicely atop the wagon, or falling off ungracefully again and again. Read more

Monday, May 4, 2020

Online Dharma Course with Gregory Kramer

Hi all.

I want to let you know of an upcoming online dharma course being run by Gregory Kramer. 

Greg is most well known for creating the practice of Insight Dialogue (treating dialogue as meditation), however he is also a fabulous dharma teacher. He's about to release his next book about treating your whole life as the dharma path and this 10 week online course is based on that. It will look at each "fold" in the Eightfold Path and what that means in practice especially in these strange times.

I highly recommend Gregory to you. If this course is of interest, don't miss it! For more info, click here.

Warm regards